Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Getting old

As you can infer from the title, I am starting to lose my memory. Today, I was almost late for school, lucky me. During Chinese lesson, we had some project work, thankfully today we had all the required manpower so we were able to complete our assignment with quality and speed, unlike the previous time.We were given some homework, writing a paragraph using the given techniques we've learnt. So far I require more inspiration. Finally, our first OPW lesson.Originally we thought of using the library but unfortunately got the hall instead. Not much to improve over there. Probably the only improvement I can think of is adding a podium and redecorating the hall. Finally, for the day, me and my mischievous brother head of to tuition class( English ). Next, we had dinner and were left with rest and relax. Unfortunately, I probably forgot about my folder and had my mom commenting. "Good luck finding it. " I feel its kind of ambiguous as it could mean she wishes that I find my bag soon, or is using sarcasm to punish me. I have absolutely no idea which is it. Anyway I just like to tell all my readers here, try to be more responsible and try not to forget where you place your valuables.

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