Monday, January 11, 2010

What to do

Hi, since these are the first few blog posts, there's probably not much to do. So just follow this and you will have entertainment. Feed the fish, play the stress relief paintball game, keep spamming the chatbox( seriously don't) and keep voting awesome. Otherwise, write a complain about how my blog is boring, create your own blog, check for spelling mistakes or rate me according to average letters in each word. 0-3 letters, complete idiot who drools all day long, 3-4 letters, stares at the telly all day 4-4.26 letters able to act as a human being 4.27 letters, completely normal, 4.28- 5.6 letters, very smart, 5-10 letters, speech giver, 10-20 letters, so smart if you touch my head it wil explode. Above 20 : total idiot that does not know words have spaces between them. Have fun.

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