Friday, January 22, 2010

The happiest day of the week

Today is Friday and the fun weekends are coming. Finally I will get two days of complete rest. The day started of with announcement of awards. My CCA managed to get the gold award for the President's Challenge for selling the most amount of bears and raising the highest amount of cash. Unfortunately, Friday is one of the many subject-filled day, with Literature, Higher Chinese, PE Theory, Maths and History. Literature lesson was one of boredom. My teacher 'flew the kite' and we had to do two assignments. Of course, most of the students just procrastinated and had fun while I finished it as soon as it was handed out so I would not have to worry about it anymore. Higher Chinese was too not exciting because we just did one worksheet and lesson was over. PE Theory followed suit. The first half of the day seemed rather dreary. I shall be skiping maths(nothing biased) and following to History. It was a pretty funny lesson as ignorant students were punished by lack of information or remarking something rude or inappropriate by crouching. We also finished watching the history of Singapore on youtube and for more laughs, we watched a clip about Hitler angry about ERP. The day ended quite nicely with only Maths homework to finish. Probably the only bad thing was about my dad, he has been going to the gym to lose his 'love handles'. He had a mild fever but is not in condition to work. Well, hope things go for the better and to all a happy weekend.

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