Thursday, January 21, 2010

Second or most exciting day ever.

Wow, this day really is eventful, other than my birthday. I don't feel like talking about the whole day's affairs and instead just talk about new events. Finally, I have been waiting for so long and now its happening, my first lab session ( Science ). Its been a while since I've beeen there. Although its the third day of school, the Sec 4s have their Science Pratical Assesment. Over there, we had to do an experiment about diffusion using blocks of agar. One of the few flaws was caused by my lab partner, (anonymous to prevent embarrasment), who spilled the container full of hydrochloric acid all over the floor. Luckily it was after the experiment. Now to talk about something I do everyday, go to the library. One of my recent favorites is wicked words where I learnt things I never knew like William Shakespeare is an anagram ( check the dictionary ) of I am a weakish speller, which is amazingly true. Yes,  I almost forgot, I am a member of a highly prestigious choir, the VS Choir. Most people think that choir is for gays and sissies and you may few awkward, but here its different. Its a boys choir so that limits the awkward feeling and some of our members are sportsmen (or so I think ). This year I am a senior and have to be an example to the juniors who we have just met today ( Hooray! ). Tired and weary from choir practice, reaching home to discover that most of our appliances are unable to operate. What a shock, hopefully the electrician can fix that problem otherwise I would be bored to death.Don't take things in life for granted for you never know when you might lose it.  

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